

Fitness Background: I was a goalkeeper on both the University of Southern California and University of Idaho’s division I women’s soccer teams. I trained both on the field and in the weight room as a high performing athlete. I am no stranger to a weight room or a track, but my favorite fitness these days is playing recreational soccer with friends and exercising at Inspire. On days I’m feeling the strongest, I love to challenge myself with an Inspire class and then play a full 90-minute soccer game.

Why I love what I do: Classes at Inspire make me feel strong, confident, and sexy. Inspire helped me transition into my life as a former D1 athlete. It provides space for me to appreciate my strength in a different way and helps me understand that exercising doesn’t have to be about training to compete, it can be about so much more. These feelings and this lesson is what I bring to every class I teach. It is a space where you can be authentically you and get what it is you want out of your fitness journey.

Values: strength, self-love, grace